The Omega Watchers series continues with its third installment, by acclaimed author Jane E. Woodlee Hedrick.
Don't miss out on the exciting return of Gabriella in 'The Daughter of Zebulon'!
Rev. 7:4 - Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.
The end of days has begun. Gabriella is sealed and anointed as a Chosen One from the Tribe of Zebulon. She now exists in the supernatural realm no longer bound by the dimensions of time and space.
In the midst of Gabriella’s interdimensional travels, the boundaries of reality are blurred. As she moves between time and untime, she does not know where she will find herself. Her human desire is to awaken before the rapture…to return to the man she loves. Her spiritual desire is to fulfill her chosen mission, wherever that takes her.
When Gabriella moves into the supernatural dimension of untime, the evil Arcturus continues to shadow every step of her mission - his ultimate goal is the destruction of her soul. In the dimension of the natural realm, the satanic cabal has a bounty on her life – she knows too much about the coming New World Order. The battle rages no matter where she is transported.
Through Gabriella’s supernatural travels, The Spirit of God guides her with divine protection performing miracles as a sign to unbelievers. The Chosen One will expose Satan’s great deception bringing salvation to her people Zebulon, a Lost Tribe of Israel.
Perspective by Peter:
This series just gets better and better! I have had a long association with these novels and the author since the publication of the first novel, The Omega Watchers. I approached the author about reviewing this novel in 2014 and I am so glad I did. These novels are Spirit-filled and have been used by God to educate and instruct in Biblical eschatology.
The novels in this series are:
A mysterious Dead Sea Scroll revealed prophecies of the return of the fallen angels and the timing of their release from the abyss where they have been imprisoned awaiting their final judgment. But, there is a missing piece to the prophetic puzzle!
Gabriella’s cave exploration leads her team on an ominous journey to discover a lost prophecy from the days of Noah and find her own spiritual truth. In her search, she opens her mind to a “Watcher” that captures her with his mystical powers of universal knowledge as they travel between time and untime.
This deceiving spirit proclaims the coming of the Ascended Master who will usher in a new age of peace for all mankind. Gabriella feels totally alone as her friends believe Yahweh as the one true God and they struggle to convince her she is falling deeper and deeper into a pit of destruction and is about to cross the point of no return.
The Third Strand, a sequel to ‘The Omega Watchers’, is a high-suspense Christian novel based on Biblical prophetic events of the end days.
The Psalms 83 war has just occurred and Israel’s stunning victory has triggered the beginning of the end days, ushering in the worst years that will ever be upon the face of the earth.
After days of being in what appeared to be a coma, Gabriella awakens to her new reality: strange surroundings, everyone she loves has vanished, and she is entombed in a hidden bunker with a man she barely knows - Chris, the officer assigned to protect her research team.
Quickly, a spiritual bond forms between Gabriella and Chris. Together they secretly witness the False Prophet’s preparations to introduce the Satanic One World Leader and the demonic plan to initiate the mark of the beast. Gabriella knows she is ‘chosen’ to expose the powers of darkness, but how does she begin?
During the day, Gabriella lives end-time prophecies coming to fruition. At night in vivid dreams, she continues to struggle with reality returning to the days before the rapture. Time and untime will continue to haunt her until...
This series is especially relevant and important in today's timeline as the events outlined in these novels show that we are in the End Times before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, His Glorious Appearing. I am in my 60s and I believe I will see His return. As I have said in the previous 2 reviews/posts, it is important that all Christians know about Biblical Eschatology as the events outlined in many books of the Bible, specifically Daniel and Revelation, but in other Biblical and extra-biblical books are happening as we speak or leading up to them.
So what are the themes in this Eschatological thriller series? Demons, astral travel, angels, spiritual warfare, demonic deception, and end-times deception, One World Government, the Antichrist, One World Religion, population control and manipulation, spiritual enslavement, the Second Coming of Christ.
Jane is developing the fourth novel in this series and I am on her Beta Reader Team. I have read the first four chapters that she has given the Team and it does progress the storyline, together with yet another plot twist! But readers of this series are used to these plot twists, Jane's trademark!
This series is a must-read and is a very comprehensive instruction and teaching on Biblical Eschatology. If a Christian or even non-Christian wanted to learn more about this type of eschatology, this series would be an excellent place to start. I have read each book again with the publication of the next novel and I have done this with Daughter of Zebulon. I had to do this to see how this next novel follows from DoZ. And it does very well. I have even thought that Jane should combine Daughter of Zebulon with this next novel, and keep the same title, even if it means it becomes a longish novel! Jane has extensively researched all in and outs of eschatology and even conducts Bible study groups around them. I have no doubt regarding any of her research and what she presents.
Adults learn best in a fun or entertaining environment and this fiction platform more than adequately provides for this and in understanding the themes of eschatology that Jane passionately presents in this series.
New readers to this series will benefit from having all 4 novels (or 3 if Jane makes my suggestion a reality!) all together to read one after the other. There is so much to absorb and understand that it would require reading one after the other. I plan to do this once this last offering is published. It will be well worth it!
Now in relation to Daughter of Zebulon, the title is well-explained and forms the basis of the next novel. It is slower-paced compared to the previous two novels but does progress the plot arcs from them into this novel and one can see this coming to a satisfying end in the fourth novel. More demonic/end-times deception develops and the pursuit of Gabriella and Chris increases. Just when you predict where Jane is going with the story arc, there is a plot twist at the end of the novel, that threw me and was totally unexpected. I was momentarily confused but then realised I had to investigate an event in one of the previous novels that relate to this and then it becomes clearer why Jane did this. And in these first 4 chapters of this new developing novel that Jane send me, it becomes even clearer. This plot twist is very clever on Jane's part. She is one master storyteller on one level and an exceptional Bible teacher on another. Or should I say, eschatological teacher? :)
Gabriella's relationship with God is taken to a deeper spiritual level. In the novel's description, this is described well and is what you do see in the novel. It is why this novel is Awarded the Spirit-filled fiction Award by Radiqx Press (see below). Such an encouragement for us to have this type of relationship with God and Jesus. This is not just found in novels like this, it can be our reality if we just become fully surrendered to God and let His Spirit work in our lives. As Gabriella says,
"I will follow the Lamb wherever He leads me!"
I have been quoted by Jane in saying the following in relation to The Omega Watchers and it is still applicable to this series,
“In Hedrick’s well-crafted novel, both the plot and all the details relating to the Nephilim, alien visitation, end times deception/eschatology are carefully intertwined and form a solid basis for this fast-paced, suspenseful, edgy, speculative based novel. I cannot wait to see what happens next and be further entertained, edified, and educated in eschatology, spiritual warfare, and demonology.”
I encourage any reader with an interest in Eschatology to read this series. You will benefit greatly from Jane's research and application of the same to this thrilling series.
I have conducted two interviews with Jane. They can be found here:
Jane Woodlee Hedrick, Author of The Omega Watchers, 18/06/15
Jane Woodlee Hedrick, Eschatology and The Third Strand, 18/08/17
Highly Recommended.
The three ratings below are based on my discernment:
World Building 5/5
Characters 5/5
Story 5/5
Spiritual Level 5: Spirit-filled Fiction
Enemy Spiritual Level 4: Demons and Level 5: the battle for the spirit and mind.
Overall Rating: 5/5
Spiritually, based on my review and on the following reference booklet, A Spiritual System for Rating Books by David Bergsland, and that Daughter of Zebulon contains the main elements of the criteria of what constitutes Christian Spirit-filled Fiction outlined in this booklet, specifically that,
These books
share the true power of a spirit-filled life totally
given over to Jesus. They show an intimate
personal relationship where a character has two way communication with his Lord and Messiah.
Such a character not only speaks to God, he or she hears
from the Lord on a regular basis—often hourly, normally
This reveals the wonder of the transformed child of God as
they are trained, discipled, disciplined, and blessed.
I bestow unto Jane E. Woodlee Hedrick, the
Congratulations, Jane!
If you would like to investigate this series further, click on the link below:
Readers and reviews are an author’s best asset, so I encourage any reader, to consider reading all three novels in this Omega Watcher series and submit a review on Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest (or any other social media you subscribe to).
Reviews help promote an author’s novel to potential readers and encourage the author to keep writing. Reviews also help get the author’s message (and God’s message) to the reader, whether Christian or not, who may need encouragement and support in their lives while being entertained by the story.
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