Just Released: The Fall of Mystery Bablylon: The Khazarian Conspiracy (Book IV of the Omega Watchers series) by Jane Woodlee Hedrick.
This long awaited instalment in the Omega Watcher series is now here! It can be read as part of this series or as a standalone novel.
I have read this novel (and the previous 3 novels in the series). It is well-worth reading in sequence as you get the whole ongoing story and all the other topics of eschatology and apologetics. So what is this new instalment about? Read on:
The quest to unravel the mysteries of end time prophecies continues. Gabriella has awakened from the supernatural realm of untime where Elijah the Prophet had shown her the end of days and anointed her as a Chosen One.
During her interdimensional travels, the cry of her soul was to return to the man she loved, her dear friends, and to her father...the father she thought had been dead for many years. Her human desire was to live a normal life with the people she loved; however, normal would never again exist for Gabriella. Upon her awakening, she was surrounded by her loved ones, only to find out they were all in danger and under protective police custody.
While in hiding, their research under the lead of Dr. Brotman took an unexpected turn as the identity of Mystery Babylon began to unfold in real time. Detail by detail they discovered the Luciferian deception perpetrated on humanity over millennia, dating back to the Tower of Babel. To their amazement, everything they had previously researched in The Omega Watchers Project fell into place when a major piece of the puzzle was found solving the mystery of Revelation 17 and 18.
The end of days prophetic picture formed as they connected historical facts with current events discovering the entity planning control of all humanity under The New World Order, The Khazarian Cabal – Mystery Babylon.
OF THE EARTH. (Revelation 17:5)
“...by your sorcery the nations were deceived.” Revelation 18:23
I have been part of the author's street team since Book 3, The Daughter of Zebulon, where myself and a few others would receive chapters as they were written, critique them for flow, plot development, formatting (such as the dream sequences be in italics) etc. It was great to see this novel develop and we were kept on the edge of our seats with each instalment, eager in anticipation as to what was going to happen next.
Jane asked me to write the foreword for both Daughter of Zebulon and this new novel. What I wrote shows the impact on one reader. But I feel it would not be just me who has this perspective. What do I mean? Read my account below:
In my foreword to Daughter of Zebulon, Book 3 of The Omega Watchers, I stated that the future of The Omega Watchers series would be in the form of a series of novellas. This did not eventuate as Jane felt that world events were happening too fast, so the next instalment, the first of the novellas would instead need to be a full-length novel. And so here it is. However, now that Jane has finished this fourth novel, there is still more to reveal, so a fifth novel will be created, the grand finale! And I can say, this is going to be just that! Grand on all levels! We live in a world today of increasing confusion, and deception of the truth. We are being told what is good for us, and what we need to do to ensure our safety while ignoring this at the expense of our freedom.
What is the endgame of all this? Is it just physical slavery and entrapment? Is there a spiritual element to this? More and more people are questioning the reasons for what they are seeing and experiencing in their day-to-day lives and in the Media, and in our educational institutions, how they are to speak and behave, what is permissible and what is not. Destructive ideologies abound, disguised as enlightening humanity. However, if you do not follow the rules of these idealogies, there are penalties and restrictions imposed upon you.
Where is this leading? Well, it takes people like Jane whom we call Sentries, or Watchmen, as they identify, discern the signs of the times, interpret their meaning and show their Biblical connection. It is here that we get the spiritual background to the nefarious schemes of those manipulating all areas of our lives, bringing its final conclusion as instructed by the events in the Book of Revelation leading up to the final return of Jesus Christ. We are so close to all this happening, that we are seconds away from Midnight, when His Glorious Appearing will occur.
Who are these people? In this novel, they are called the Cabal, Mystery Babylon. Jane effectively shows the layers of their operations and their plans for humanity. Mystery Babylon has a Biblical explanation and Jane shows how this plays out in the novel. This is one function of those we have called Sentries, or Watchmen; through their discerning and interpreting of world events and their Biblical meaning and correlation, they educate, warn, enlighten and equip us in Eschatology and Apologetics.
What is the end result? We have a building up of our faith in Jesus Christ, we understand what His Word says to us about all areas of our lives, specifically towards the End of Days before Jesus’ Return. We become prepared for future events and know what we need and must do to not become enslaved and ensnared leading to an eternity in Hell, but to live victorious in Jesus and live with Him for eternity. It is truly a battle for our soul and spirit. All the novels in the TOW series, are not just a labour of love from Jane’s point of view. She is passionate about her writing, and about being a novelist, but most of all she is following the Lord’s directive and is doing this in all obedience to Him and out of love for Him.
Everything in The Omega Watchers series has been brought before the Lord and submitted to Him. The results are the product of His guidance. These are His novels.Why does Jane write edgy, speculative Christian fiction? First of all, she writes under God’s guidance and for His Glory. Secondly, It stems from being a long-time student of Bible studies, especially in the area of Bible prophecy. She has a passion for seeing Christians and those who do not know Him yet to be not just entertained but educated in eschatology, end-times deception, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
This platform of fiction reinforces one way we learn about the world. It has been proved that we learn best when we are entertained; when learning is based on fun. It is the power of story. Jesus used parables (another form of storytelling) to educate, edify and entertain his audience. This is what Jane achieves in her writing. The Omega Watchers series is more than just an incredibly entertaining, suspenseful, and compelling read. Your faith and relationship with God will be edified and encouraged. You will be educated in eschatology and how this relates to world events and fits in what Bible prophecy states. You will see the deception of Satan in enslaving humanity unless they come into the saving Grace of God. This will increase your spiritual discernment.
I pray that this new novel will lead Christians to allow God to do all these things as they read. I pray it waters and grows more of the seed of faith that was germinated upon their entry into His Kingdom. I pray for the unbeliever that this novel and indeed this series, will plant a seed of faith in some, water a planted seed in others and reap a harvest from those God has prepared to enter His Kingdom. It is an honor to write about Jane and this series. I have been blessed, encouraged, challenged and more assertive in my faith from reading this series and being involved with her in these endeavours. Many others have as well. So, Reader, before you engage in this journey into eschatology and edgy, speculative Christian fiction, pray for God to prepare your heart and mind to receive what God has in store for you through Jane’s writing. She has created this series with you in mind.Enjoy and be challenged, what you thought about life is not what it seems!
But maybe we need to see what Jane has to say about this new novel in her own words from the Prologue:
If you would like to investigate this series further, click on the book covers below:
"Revelation 17:5-8: For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Render to her just as she rendered to you and repay her double according to her works; in the cup which she has mixed, mix double for her. In the measure that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously, in the same measure give her torment and sorrow; for she says in her heart, ‘I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow.’ Therefore, her plagues will come in one day—death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges her. "
Revelation Chapters 17 and 18 reveal Mystery Babylon, a satanic entity that has secretly ruled the world for millennia through sorcery and the day of God’s judgment has arrived. Who this entity is has been debated by prophecy scholars since John authored the Book of Revelation. These two chapters are an interlude in John’s prophetic vision which no one can identify precisely where it fits into the prophetic timeline of the end days. This novel seeks to identify who Mystery Babylon, the Mother of Harlots, is combining prophecy, history, and current events. It is by no means a definitive answer but is one to consider with prayerful discernment. As with all novels in The Omega Watchers Series, I challenge my readers to research for yourself. Even though my characters and the story are fiction, the historical information is not. An internet search for each topic introduced will reveal their documented accuracy and give links for further research.
I have endeavored to connect history and current events to reveal the evil that has been perpetrated on our society for centuries, connecting those events with Bible prophecy. Although Bible scholars and students speculate on the meanings of prophetic scriptures, most prophecies cannot be completely understood until we see them come to fruition; and even then, many refuse to see. The greatest example: there are over 300 prophecies of The Messiah in the Old Testament which Jesus fulfilled verbatim, and most Jews still do not believe.
The world we live in today is unraveling the confusion of these ancient writings, foretelling the end of days for those “who have ears to hear.” Satan has tried to keep his deceptions in darkness so we will not know the truth, but God’s Word is shining the light on his lies - for all who will wake up to the world in which we live today. The prayer of my heart continues to be that the truths in The Omega Watchers Series are a wake-up call to Believers and a call to salvation for those who are not. Note to Readers: In this novel I have italicized Gabriella's dreams/visions for discernment of her transitions from reality to the spirit realm. As always, all Bible quotes are italicized.
If you would like to investigate this series further, click on the book covers below:
Gabriella’s cave exploration leads her team on an ominous journey to discover a lost prophecy from the days of Noah and find her own spiritual truth. In her search she opens her mind to a “Watcher” that captures her with his mystical powers of universal knowledge as they travel between time and untime.
This deceiving spirit proclaims the coming of the Ascended Master who will usher in a new age of peace for all mankind. Gabriella feels totally alone as her friends believe Yahweh as the one true God and they struggle to convince her she is falling deeper and deeper into a pit of destruction and is about to cross the point of no return.
The Omega Watchers was bestowed a Redemptive Fiction Award by Radiqx Press
The Psalms 83 war has just occurred and Israel’s stunning victory has triggered the beginning of the end days, ushering in the worst years that will ever be upon the face of the earth.
After days of being in what appeared to be a coma, Gabriella awakens to her new reality: strange surroundings, everyone she loves has vanished, and she is entombed in a hidden bunker with a man she barely knows - Chris, the officer assigned to protect her research team.
Quickly, a spiritual bond forms between Gabriella and Chris. Together they secretly witness the False Prophet’s preparations to introduce the Satanic One World Leader and the demonic plan to initiate the mark of the beast. Gabriella knows she is ‘chosen’ to expose the powers of darkness, but how does she begin?
During the day, Gabriella lives end time prophecies coming to fruition. At night in vivid dreams, she continues to struggle with reality returning to the days before the rapture. Time and untime will continue to haunt her until...
The Third Strand was bestowed a Spirit-filled Fiction Award by Radiqx Press.
Don't miss out on the exciting return of Gabriella in 'The Daughter of Zebulon'!
Rev. 7:4 - Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.
The end of days has begun. Gabriella is sealed and anointed as a Chosen One from the Tribe of Zebulon. She now exists in the supernatural realm no longer bound by the dimensions of time and space.
In the midst of Gabriella’s interdimensional travels, the boundaries of reality are blurred. As she moves between time and untime, she does not know where she will find herself. Her human desire is to awaken before the rapture…to return to the man she loves. Her spiritual desire is to fulfill her chosen mission, wherever that takes her.
When Gabriella moves into the supernatural dimension of untime, the evil Arcturus continues to shadow every step of her mission - his ultimate goal is the destruction of her soul. In the dimension of the natural realm, the satanic cabal has a bounty on her life – she knows too much about the coming New World Order. The battle rages no matter where she is transported.
Through Gabriella’s supernatural travels, The Spirit of God guides her with divine protection performing miracles for a sign to unbelievers. The Chosen One will expose Satan’s great deception bringing salvation to her people Zebulon, a Lost Tribe of Israel.
Daughter of Zebulon was bestowed a Spirit-filled Fiction Award by Radiqx Press.
A note before you go:
Readers and reviews are an author’s best asset, so I encourage any reader, to consider reading The Omega Watchers Series and submit a review on Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest (or any other social media you subscribe to).
Reviews help promote an author’s novel to potential readers and encourage the author to keep writing. Reviews also help get the author’s message (and God’s message) to the reader, whether Christian or not, who may need encouragement and support in their lives while being entertained by the story.
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Reviews help promote an author’s novel to potential readers and encourage the author to keep writing. Reviews also help get the author’s message (and God’s message) to the reader, whether Christian or not, who may need encouragement and support in their lives while being entertained by the story.
Please note: As an Amazon Associate, I am required to disclose that book cover images or titles of novels in this post are paid links if they are linked to Amazon and result in a sale.
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