Today, I am re-interviewing novelist, Dean Brior about his novels, The Sect of the Healed Chronicles. I have reviewed both novels (The SOTH Initiative: Book 1) and The SOTH Initiative Book 2: Fallout) and still remain very impressed with them. To help promote the release of Fallout, I asked Dean to stop by again for an interview.
Before we start, here is what these novels are about:
The SOTH Initiative: Book 1.
What if a group of people existed who were blood relatives of the people Jesus healed?What if these people possessed special powers as a result of a DNA change the occurred as a result of the healing?
What if those people survived the many attempts to wipe them out through the centuries, possessing many of the historical artefacts that would prove that God and the Christian faith was real and relevant?
What if this group were poised to release all of these archaeological and written proofs of God and Jesus, exposing the world to all that they had saved and protected down through the centuries?
Come with us as we travel the world with Lindey Batchelor, and witness the results when the world hears the message of God evidenced in artefacts like the Ark of the Covenant, the Cross Nails, the lost book of Josephus, the journals of Pilate and Constantine. Experience the brave men and women who attempt to offer these archaeological and historical truths to the world, opposed by those who work to wipe out the SOTH and their message. Experience the history, mystery, intrigue and spiritual battles as ordinary people overcome extraordinary odds to bring the truth to the world.
The SOTH series is an action-packed combination of fiction, history, truth, and mystery, following the lives of the people affected by Jesus’ healing touch. This group call the SOTH (Sect Of The Healed) plans to release every major historical artefact and written relic which are relevant to the proof of Jesus’s claims while he was on earth. The Cleansing Group has plans to wipe the SOTH out before they can release the archaeological finds to the world. Came with Lindey Batchelor as he is pulled into the hunt travelling to historical places across the world to meet the SOTH, finding his own healing along the way.
The SOTH Initiative Book 2: Fallout
The software has been released, the world now knows the truth, and the world is awakened to a new direction. There is a dark force resisting this awakening, one that will work to wipe out the Sect of the Healed who yearn to share the truth with the world. Come with us on a worldwide journey of intrigue, mystery, and miracles as Professor Lindey Batchelor and the SOTH family share their archaeological treasures with the world. You will see what artifacts and literary treasures the world will experience. Many will embrace the truth, but many will seek to snuff it out along with all those associated with the great awakening.
The SOTH Initiative is a book about truth, power, resistance to the light, overcoming the darkness, and the power of God living in everyday people. Come with Lindey and his team as they travel the world, rescue the innocent, engage the darkness, and overcome evil to share the truth the world needs to hear.
Now let’s get acquainted with Dean and this novel!
Thanks for stopping by Dean and welcome back to Perspective by Peter!
Thanks, Peter and for inviting me back!
My pleasure, Dean! Now, let's start with you telling our readers about your writing journey. How did you get started?
I’ve always enjoyed writing bible studies and journal entries, but I never imagined writing a novel until later in my life. I would get ideas, and then think to myself, “who are you to write a book?” It wasn’t until I shared the idea for the SOTH Initiative with my wife, Nancy, that I got the encouragement I needed to attempt to create the characters and plot line.
What other authors have contributed to you being a writer of edgy, Christian speculative fiction novels? I am definitely influenced by Tom Clancy, Dean Koontz and Frank Peretti. I wanted to create a novel that was edgy and interesting, but one that could be believable as well.
What gave you the inspiration to write The SOTH Initiative?
I feel like God inspired me to write these books. They literally flowed out of me during the 1 1/2 years it took complete both books. I had a desire to introduce people to biblical truths about Jesus, grace, forgiveness and the difference between religion and a relationship with God. I wanted to write that truth in a way that would entertain and engage people no matter where they were on their faith journey.
Do you have a favorite Bible verse that resonates with you? Revelation 21:5 resonates with me at this time in my life, and is a theme running through the book. It reads, “Behold I am making all things new”. God is never finished perfecting His plan for his creation. He is always doing new things in our lives to make a statement to those surrounding us that He is ready to renew our hearts and put a new spirit in us for His glory.
What was the hardest part about writing this book series? The biggest challenges were time and research. I had never written a book before, and I had to be mindful of how the books flowed, how the characters and plot line developed, and how believable the places and people I wrote into the book had to be. I wanted the reader to experience the trip with me and be interested in turning the next page every time. The time it took for research and rewrites made it challenging to do with my day job, and still complete the books in the time I had set. I actually wrote in a pandemic in book two 4 months before the actual first case was reported.
How long did it take you to write the Sect of the Healed Chronicles?
I started and stopped writing several times during a challenging time in our lives from 2016-2019. It was the fall of 2019 when I finished book two. It took two more years to do the final rewrite and have the money to pay for the publishing of the books. COVID was rough on our family as I lost my job, my house, and for a while my hope. I learned firsthand how God uses His family to provide protect and encourage his children when they go through hard times.
In my review of Book 1, I stated and showed the parallel in the novel to that of the Parable of the Talents mentioned in Matthew 25:14-30, you agreed with me on this. Had you intentionally constructed the novel to reflect this? Any other parables the novel can be paralleled with? I did not have that particular parable in mind when I wrote, but your suggestion did resonate with me. The SOTH relatives had great gifts from God they were willing to risk their lives for, and they wanted to be used by God even though it would be risky. God is always looking for that one believer who is willing to take whatever gift they have and use it to the max. That is all God is looking for.
In the novels, you have the people healed by Jesus having their DNA changed or enhanced that gives them “superpowers” related to that ailment or condition or body system and this inherited by their lineage through the centuries. At first I was content to leave it there, but then I wondered if this change could be a restoration to the original DNA they were created with before the fall of man (and sin) changed our DNA and allowed disease, sickness and physical ailments to occur. Your thoughts on this? I love that idea! I imagined the people Jesus healed were impacted to the core of their being. This was the God of the universe interacting with them at every level of their being. Each of us experience life through our body, soul and spirit. What happens to one part of us affects all three parts every time. People experiencing the healing power of Jesus could have been restored in every way, which would definitely make an impact on them on all three levels. I love that!
Apart from how showing how people experience a relationship with God vs. a religion, such as those of the Muslim, Catholic, Hindu and other religions, and mysteries, miracles, healing, and biblical truth, forgiveness, hope, grace, what other messages or themes have you included? I reckon these messages and themes are enough for a novel! LOL I agree! The goal of these books is to guide the reader through the theme of God making all things new on a regular basis. We tend to have a life changing experience with Jesus, and in time we slip into taking for granted the amazing relationship we have with the God of the universe! God becomes part of our lives, but not the center of our lives. If we allow God to do it, He will invade our lives and do things that will make people notice. This may not always be comfortable for us, but it will create new life and new dependence on God that will draw us closer and bring Him glory.
Are you expecting any flack, negative comments or accusations that you are criticizing those religions you contrast with Christianity? This could be seen as dangerous ground to cover in a novel even if you are doing it for the right reasons, or just a straightforward comparison. My goal was to use biblical truth to tell a relevant story about God, forgiveness, relationship, and healing. Truth is truth, and sometimes it is challenged and even threatened by those who don’t see it as truth. We live in a relative truth world, where everybody has their own personal truth to meet their own personal desires. These books challenge people to examine what truth they allow to mold them. The books invite people to consider biblical truth that will be relevant, real, and life changing.
Are any of the technology you have depicted being used by both the SOTH, Cleansing Group or CIA your imagination or does in fact exist? I worked hard to make the technical side of the story very believable. I interviewed several IT people and asked them about the possibility of what I was writing. They all told me to go further, that what was really possible was much better or worse, depending on who’s side you were on. I have a friend in the DOD who told me this book was absolutely possible.
Did you find the action scenes of car chases, or fight scenes hard to depict? I am an avid reader of action novels and enjoy action movies. I love the energy you get when you put yourself in the place of the character and take the risks with them. It was this energy I wanted to pass along to the reader as they got into the book.
What research did you have to conduct for the books? I did a lot of research on the cities and history of what I was writing about. I wanted the reader to be able to check on the things they thought could be possible and learn more about the places and people who are real in the book. I in turn learned more about the history and culture of the people I write about, and I was able to communicate that cultural flavor throughout the book.
What take home message would do you like your readers to embrace? That God is real, and that He yearns for a relationship with them that is real, relevant and powerful. I also want readers to be inspired to trust God in the everyday miracles of life as well as the big and famous moments that sometimes come to us. God is always working, and He will invite us into His work if we just listen and obey. It won’t be boring I promise you.
The Sect of the Healed Chronicles is my first publication for public consumption. I felt led by God to write these books as I hope they will challenge both seekers and believers to pursue a closer relationship with God. The books literally flowed out of me, as the characters developed right in front of me. I don't know how people will respond to the messages God gave me, but it is my prayer that they will challenge the way we view God and enable people to experience the powerful and personal relationship we all can have with Jesus Christ. Thanks for going on the journey with me.
Without giving any spoilers, what can we expect from Fallout? Book two will take up where book one leaves off. I will go into more detail about the great reveal event and take the reader through the fallout of such a momentous moment for the world. Some will embrace the event. Many will try to snuff it out as well as all the SOTH. There may even be some romantic additions to the mix!
What is next after this series? I’m trusting God to lead me as I desire to keep writing books that challenge the daily norms of the faith while incorporating exciting plots and themes. I always want the reader to ask if this is the real part of the book, or if it is fiction. Always keep them guessing is my motto.
What has been the reaction of your church towards your novel? I sent it to one of my mentors, Peter Greer, who runs an international ministry called Hope International. He is an avid writer and reader. He told me the book was great and biblical, and he looked forward to watching how it would challenge believers and seekers as well.
Where can readers find you? My website, Dean Brior, will have the books on it as well as my weekly blog, links to helpful places, and hopefully a podcast if God allows that to happen. I also will have the website in the book, All Things New take people to my website where they can ask questions about the book as they read it.
Any closing comments?
I am blessed and humbled to be given the Spirit-filled Awards for both novels. I plan to keep perfecting the craft of Christian fiction and look forward to how the books are received.
To find out more about these Awards go here.
Well, Dean, that was a great interview, very informative and an insight into you as a novelist and more importantly, into the Sect of the Healed Chronicles. I was so captivated by these tomes that I pray readers will be as well. You are welcome back as a guest for any of your future novels. I guess the next visit will be for the final novel to these Chronicles! I am looking forward to this!
If you would like to investigate this series further, click on the images below:
Readers and reviews are an author’s best asset, so I encourage any reader, to consider reading Books 1 and 2 of the Sect of the Healed Chronicles and submit a review on Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest (or any other social media you subscribe to).
Reviews help promote an author’s novel to potential readers and encourage the author to keep writing. Reviews also help get the author’s message (and God’s message) to the reader, whether Christian or not, who may need encouragement and support in their lives while being entertained by the story.
About Dean Brior:
I grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia at the height of the drug and alcohol surge that happened in the high schools during the 70’s. I was saved from a life of addiction and self-destruction through a youth ministry called Young Life. There I met a group of students and adults that had created a community of love, support, and accountability I had never known before. I experienced Jesus personally and began my journey with him that night in the kitchen of Linda’s house.
I was blessed to win a state wrestling championship which led to a scholarship to UNC Chapel Hill. I got involved with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and graduated with a degree in education. I taught and coached for several years until I felt the call to full time ministry as the state director of FCA in NC. I was blessed to serve there for 8 years and watch God grow the ministry to over 300 huddles throughout the state.
After we adopted our first child, we felt the need to relocate closer to home in Pennsylvania. God provided an opportunity for me to work with a group of Christian men in the orthopedic device market in Lancaster, PA. I spent 25 years in the surgical arena and was involved in over 10,000 surgeries during that time. I built a distributorship that spanned four states and did 8 million dollars in sales the year we were bought out by the new company. I was involved in three churches while residing in Lancaster PA, and was blessed to serve as God opened doors. It was during this time between jobs that I wrote the first book in the SOTH Initiative. The book flowed out of me as I felt led to share the truths that were communicated through the action and intrigue surrounding the characters in the book. I had never written a book before and did not know how to develop characters or maintain timelines and plot development. I certainly didn’t understand editing a book and all that goes into creating a coherent story for people to enjoy. I firmly believe God directed my fingers to write these books over the past four years.
In January of 2020, we moved down to Winston Salem to be closer to our grandkids and family. When COVID hit that year I was left with no job, no home, and no future. I started book two in August of 2019. I wrote about a worldwide pandemic 4 months before it actually happened! The books were prepared to be released in the spring of 2020, but COVID changed our plans as we couldn’t afford to pay the cost to publish the books at the time. As of January of 2022, book two is preparing to release this spring. My prayer and hope is that the series would encourage people and challenge them to examine their understanding of God and His active involvement in the creation He loves.
Nancy and I enjoy our home in Pfafftown, NC, and are thankful for the friends and family He has blessed us with. I plan to obey Gods call to write, teach, counsel and lead as He opens doors and brings new books to my mind.
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