The Lost Medallion
Beneath the Hill of Endor is a Temple,
Inside the Temple is a Chamber,
Inside the Chamber is a door,
Behind the door … the abyss.
And the key to the door is the witch’s medallion.
Former sheriff Randy Baker steals the witch’s medallion. Using the Book of Incantations, he summons the powers of darkness to open a passage which takes him in search of the Temple of Endor in Israel. His intentions ... to use the medallion to unlock the door to the abyss and unleash legions of evil spirits.
Knowing they only have days to stop the former sheriff, the three wise men follow him. Unbeknownst to them, Colt O’Dell stows away in the cargo hold of their flight. Once in Israel, the four of them race into action, but quickly find themselves caught in a desperate battle for their lives.
Top-selling author Bryan M. Powell adds yet another gripping novel to his impressive list of Christian Fantasy spell-binders. He once again peels back the veil and gives his readers a glimpse at the spiritual war being waged over the souls of men. Using tragedy in the lives of his characters to demonstrate the power of faith and forgiveness, he skillfully weaves a captivating tale that builds to a breathtaking climax. If you liked Frank Peretti’s This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness, you will love The Lost Medallion.
Top-selling author Bryan M. Powell adds yet another gripping novel to his impressive list of Christian Fantasy spell-binders. He once again peels back the veil and gives his readers a glimpse at the spiritual war being waged over the souls of men. Using tragedy in the lives of his characters to demonstrate the power of faith and forgiveness, he skillfully weaves a captivating tale that builds to a breathtaking climax. If you liked Frank Peretti’s This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness, you will love The Lost Medallion.
The Guru's Review:
If I thought that The Witch and the Wise Men was a gripping tale, this one is even better. Powell continues the storyline from the previous and never lets you go. It is gripping and engrossing.
Powell definitely knows how to hook you into his plot. He combines the plot and characterisation together well so that you do not see any demarcation. The result is a fast-paced ride that you cannot get out of and when life takes you away from this novel, you are annoyed and cannot wait to return.
If I thought that The Witch and the Wise Men was a gripping tale, this one is even better. Powell continues the storyline from the previous and never lets you go. It is gripping and engrossing.
Powell definitely knows how to hook you into his plot. He combines the plot and characterisation together well so that you do not see any demarcation. The result is a fast-paced ride that you cannot get out of and when life takes you away from this novel, you are annoyed and cannot wait to return.
Again, in Powell style, he is brilliant at the spiritual aspects just as he did in The Witch and the Wise Men. He places a great emphasis on prayer as a weapon against satanic/demonic attack and relying on the Spirit and not on your own strength. Again, he has those Wise Men falling into this trap but they also take measures to get themselves out of this as well. What do they do? They repent of their foolishness, they spend time pouring out their hearts, confessing their dependence upon the flesh and trust in human "instrumentality" as Powell call it. Then they pray specifically for their charge's needs and plead God to protect them and these charges with angelic hedges. Important here is not just repentance and specific prayer but praise and worship. This latter can be a deficit in our prayer life and one that is not to be neglected. How many times are we encouraged to add this in our prayer life and living? For some, this would be a given but others not so.
In some novels concerning spiritual warfare, the Christian author portrays the demons or evil entities as stronger and more devious than the angelic hosts and/or the Christian characters (and I wish they would not, there is no such need for this). I did not find this to be the case in this novel or the previous one. Yes, he depicts them as devious, evil and powerful but only as far as Christians and the angelic host do nothing or very little or in their own strength. However, looks what happens when both these parties are in tune with the Spirit and fight in the way set out in God's Word and with His instruction? The demonic forces do not stand a chance when this happens and it is very powerful. This is all based not only on the victory over sin and death that Jesus' achieved on the Cross but through the fact that God is God and sovereign over all, is all powerful, all knowing and ever-present. I loved the instance where Prince Laina (in human form of Sasha) confronted Beelzebub and the disembodied spirits with God's instruction and Word,
"The Lord God Almighty liveth and commands everyone, everywhere to bow the knee, whether it is in heaven, or earth or things under the earth."
Despite their objections and resistance at first, Laina holds his ground under God's instruction and finally these spirits
".....joined in forced subjection acclaiming Jesus as King of kings and Lord of lords"
All the instances Powell depicts showing this type of spiritual warfare principles as outlined is available to all who are in right relationship with Jesus and novels like this outline how we need to be living like this 24/7 and not just when demonic attack arrives or is identified. Kudos to Powell for including this in his novels not just to add entertainment but to edify and educate the Body of Christ on how to live in Him. As a side to this, it also bears great witness to those readers who are searching for their meaning or are disillusioned with life or have dabbled in the occult as it highlights the deceptiveness, destructiveness, and bondage that being involved in the occult is characteristic of. More importantly, it also highlights what is the end result when one allows themselves to be totally taken over by the demonic forces and reject the saving grace of Jesus.
I like the fact that Powell also shows the relationship between the angelic hosts and God. They are depicted truly as they are in the Word, they are messengers and warriors and only act in complete obedience to God and not of their own volition. In this manner, it is easy for the reader to see that angels are in submission to God and not an authority in their own right and separate to God as sometimes depicted by non-Christian authors. This is one reason why I included in the criteria for why I read Christian fiction on my blog, that I want to see angels depicted as they are biblically and not to be worshipped at all or as a detraction from the main object of our worship being that solely of God for whom we were created to worship.
In all the spiritual warfare novels that I have read from Christian authors, they have depicted these angels as relational, personal, friendly, firm, authoritative and combative (when required). I cannot see how they would be any other way as we are created to be relational with each other, with God and even towards animals so to be understood by angels in their mission towards us as directed by God, they would need to be so. This is depicted as such in the Bible as well so Powell has depicted them correctly here and forms one of the many strengths of this series.
Powell seems to not just concentrate on spiritual warfare between the demonic, angelic and humans but also on how we are prey to this through our own shortcomings and rebellious/sinful nature. I loved one example of this when Glenn O'Dell was in a coma and God ministered to him in this state and gives Glenn an opportunity to right himself with God. While this is happening, He is working on Karen, his wife and Colt, his son as well. And these events are not individual, separate events to fluff out the length of the novel (Powell does not do this) but are included solely to show how God weaves all these events into His purposes and to deal with the sin that so easily ensnares us and separates us from God and then places us in line for demonic influence. When this brings us back to God in a righteous relationship we are then better equipped to be an instrument of warfare by God and through God.
Powell shows this very well with the conversion of the doctor who was part of the coven from the previous novel. I appreciate how Powell showed the internal conflict with the principles of his profession that he swore an oath to on graduation and his own conscience. It is good to show that not everyone involved in the occult has a hardened heart like Randy Baker towards God and humanity. Not only was how this doctor converted uplifting and joyous, but the spiritual warfare that ensued showing deliverance from demon possession was portrayed realistically.
Sadly this was dampened by an event that showed the extent the ministers of the occult will go to when one of their former converts is freed from their satanic bondage.
Powell again showed another aspect of how to witness to a Jew/Israeli through the character of Simon Levi. I loved this conversation. It was worth the page or so of Melchior's explanation and witness. Beautiful and inspiring. I was near tears with this conversion account especially with Powell's depiction of the angels folding their wings and bowing their heads as God sang His song of redemption in celebration. If this is what happened when I accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour then it shows more of the depth of His love not just for me but for all mankind.
I thoroughly enjoyed the spotlight being on Colt in this novel. I viewed him as one courageous but neutral character in the previous novel, but Powell has developed him as a warrior of God in this one. He shows much more of his relationship with God and is prepared to count the cost of this in dealing with the demonic and taking responsibility for what he feels is his for the medallion falling into the wrong hands thus contributing to events spiralling out of control in his town and family.
Powell shows the Wise Men adapting sometimes somewhat awkwardly to modern life. He adds humour to their efforts to understand the modern lingo, not wearing shoes but sandals only, taking the modern idioms literally and of course Melchior and Balthazar ganging up on Gaspar when he complains or is impulsive especially towards his love interest, Felicia. These three are further developed and even spiritually they press forward in their faith and being of the Brotherhood of Wise Men. I love the spiritual prowess they show in confrontation with the demonic and the remaining members of the Coven from the previous novel, especially towards Randy Baker.
I thoroughly enjoyed the spotlight being on Colt in this novel. I viewed him as one courageous but neutral character in the previous novel, but Powell has developed him as a warrior of God in this one. He shows much more of his relationship with God and is prepared to count the cost of this in dealing with the demonic and taking responsibility for what he feels is his for the medallion falling into the wrong hands thus contributing to events spiralling out of control in his town and family.
Powell shows the Wise Men adapting sometimes somewhat awkwardly to modern life. He adds humour to their efforts to understand the modern lingo, not wearing shoes but sandals only, taking the modern idioms literally and of course Melchior and Balthazar ganging up on Gaspar when he complains or is impulsive especially towards his love interest, Felicia. These three are further developed and even spiritually they press forward in their faith and being of the Brotherhood of Wise Men. I love the spiritual prowess they show in confrontation with the demonic and the remaining members of the Coven from the previous novel, especially towards Randy Baker.
One aspect relating to Balthazar that was hinted at with his genealogy in the previous novel, is further expanded in this novel and is very touching and moving. Especially at one pivotal moment where the plot twists. This twist I was not expecting and another other relating to it. This leads very well onto the next novel in this series, The Last Magi, to be released mid-October 2017. And Powell has ended this novel based on this very well.
Powell has included some current topics in this novel. He depicted well, the resistance towards Christian students praying on school premises and biblical creation being taught in the same premises by the Wise Men. This attitude is interwoven into the spiritual blindness and rebellion towards anything to do with God and how this is enforced in the demonic control of the town and its people. Such is happening in today's world and I note it is progressing in my own country of Australia. The other topic portrayed is what happens when a wolf in sheep's clothing is allowed to be in ministry in a church. I loved how this was handled biblically and the perpetrator exposed and dealt with. It shows the importance of spiritual discernment in choosing church leaders and relying on the Spirit to direct a Church's path here. Again, this event was interwoven in the plot to show how the demonic are all out in destroying the Christian church and anything relating to God.
A very successful sequel and continuation of this series from the Witch and the Wise Men debut. Powell is definitely on a winner with this series. I am looking forward to reading The Last Magi in a few days time, ready for its release mid-October.
Highly Recommended.
Highly Recommended.
Characterisation 5/5
Story 5/5
Spiritual Level 4/5
Enemy Spiritual Level 5/5
Overall Rating 4.8/5 Stars
Spiritually, based on my review and on the following reference booklet,

The Reality Calling
Redemptive Fiction Award
Congratulations, Bryan!
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