Monday 25 April 2016

The Book of the Harvest by Brad Francis


The Book of the Harvest is an "incredible book" about a man somewhere in the midst of eternity who begins to wonder what happened to those whose lives he had a chance to touch while on earth. His questions lead him to the discovery of a remarkable, heartbreaking book that opens his eyes to a truth that he would give anything to have known during his mortal life. If only it weren't too late...

Readers have called this short story "a wake-up call,"..."inspired by the Holy Spirit." Many have said that the book has opened their eyes and left them determined to listen for the whispers of the Holy Spirit, and to obey whatever He tells them. Don't read this story if you don't want to be changed!

The Guru's Review:

This is my first introduction to Brad Francis' writing and all I can say is what an introduction this is! I have found another author to follow and add to my favourite author list!

While I believe that every Christian needs to read this, I would not read it unless you are willing to be taken out of your comfort zone, to be challenged, brought back to your first love (Jesus) and to be changed and even to go to a quiet place and, if necessary, get on your knees and thank God for all He has done for you and then ask Him to forgive for all the opportunities where you know you have not obeyed the prompting of His Spirit to minister to those around you, but more importantly to ask Him to help you to be fully attentive to hearing His promptings and act on them in obedience not matter what.

We have all been disobedient to His promptings, but maybe we have not asked for forgiveness or realised how our disobedience has grieved the Spirit or caused that person's situation to become worse because of this disobedience or contributed or nearly contributed to their decision to reject Christ.

Here are some of the thoughts and feelings I experienced while reading this short story: 
Sobering, a wake-up call, guilt, tears, joy, forgiveness, redemption, God's grace, the love of Christ, to live as if the Book of Harvest exists, life changing, Christ focused, those who don't know Him, the Great Commission. 
This is one unique, never to forget, uplifting and God honouring short story. I have no doubt that the Holy Spirit inspired and guided Francis in writing this, to quote him, 
Unfortunately, I don't feel like I can take any credit for The Book of the Harvest. The inspiration for this story came like a flash of lightning, hand-delivered in a manner I have rarely experienced as an author. It is my belief that God gave me this story and that it was my job to put it in print without screwing it up too badly. I see how He orchestrated events in my life to provide inspiration for certain scenes and I see His hand moving throughout. If this book touches you, if the Holy Spirit uses it in your life, it's got nothing to do with me. It's all Him! Each time I put words on paper, it is my most sincere desire to glorify Jesus Christ. I pray He is glorified through this story.
One of the things I loved about this short was the balance that Francis has created. Yes, our disobedience to the Spirit's prompting may have contributed to the decision of that person to not accept Christ, and the guilt and regret that we experience, but that same person is responsible for their decision to reject Him and that is what God acts on, as much as it grieves Him to have yet another person lost from His presence for eternity. I loved how showing what would have happened to the person who was in need had the main character been obedient to the Spirit adds to the encouragement for us to be obedient and that we do not have to stay in our disobedient state. We have a choice to make after reading this novel, allow the Spirit to change us and be obedient to Him in the future or continue on our way as we are now, knowing that we will grieve Him in this state and may contribute destructively to the decisions those He is trying to minister to.

I love Francis' depiction of Jesus. I know authors struggle to depict Him as they may feel that they would not do Him justice, but if this was the case with Francis, it does not show and I feel that his depiction may also serve to minister to the Christian reader about what Jesus' heart is concerning His redemptive work or even any non-believer who may be reading this short.

I have said in many previous reviews and have listed in this blog that what I love and expect from Christian fiction that,
  • it has entertained me immensely, 
  • it has encouraged my walk with God, 
  • it has not deviated from known biblical doctrine, and it will not, I believe, lead a non-believer astray or promote false doctrine, 
  • it honours God.
I can definitely say that Francis has achieved this in this short. This feels like it is straight from the heart of God if I may be so bold as to say that! 

I have no regrets in reading this short and despite it bringing me to tears with conviction and repentance, and a new found desire to be more attuned to His Spirit, I am so glad I have had the opportunity to be challenged, entertained and strengthened spiritually through this tome.

I thank Brad Francis for being obedient to the Spirit in writing this short. His obedience has encouraged me to do the same.

Highly Recommended. 

World building 5/5

Characters 5/5

Story 5/5

Spiritual level 5/5

Spiritual Enemy Level N/A

Average Rating: 5/5

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